A lot was riding on this one for both fighters. What a fight!
The hard hitting Rogers broke Fedor's nose early in the first round with a jab, showing just how powerful he can be. However, the cut didn't seem to bother Fedor, and he persevered taking Rogers to the ground where he ended up on the bottom taking some heavy ground and pound. Rogers somehow managed to get out of a kimura and an armbar attempt, finishing the round covered in his opponent’s blood.
Rogers seemed a lot more confident and relaxed in the second round which was probably his undoing... dropping his hands and trying to come in with a half hearted left hook, Fedor knocked him out with a devastating right hand!
After the fight Rogers called out Fedor for a rematch (he must have forgotten what just happened)...
Personally I don't see the point, but until Fedor sorts things out with the UFC we might just see them go at it again?
Good fight nonetheless, and it goes to show that Fedor is definitely one of, if not the best pound for pound MMA fighter(s) in the world!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
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